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Glenn Kidder

Video Guy recommends: "Argo!" Ben Affleck has absolutely established himself as an Oscar-caliber director with this exceptionally suspenseful take on a true story. During the Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979-80, six Americans escaped the U.S. Embassy at the onset of the siege, and hid in the Canadian ambassador's home. Affleck, playing a CIA extraction specialist, conceives an ingenious "best bad plan available" to get the Americans out. I was battling ahead cold the day I saw this with my son; he and I had planned a Guys Day at the Movies: 2 movies in one afternoon... nice low-keyed day; no extra energy needed. We couldn't do it! The tension of Argo was so incredible that we abandoned our second-movie idea, and just left the theater so we could both let our nerves settle. Even though Affleck sprinkled the film with well-placed moments of levity (Alan Arkin and John Goodman are priceless), this thriller grabbed us by the throat and didn't let go. Stay for the first part of the credits ... you'll appreciate the casting decisions.

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